Built prior to beginning construction on the surrounding urban district, Jiading Park was a catalyst for new development and informed the district's larger identity and ethos
There are 17 kilometers of paths and boardwalks throughout the park, with links from adjacent residential neighborhoods at multiple points to facilitate accessibility
Programmatic elements within the park drove decision making of the surrounding land uses. New housing was planned adjacent to the park’s core recreational and community zone, while the district’s civic buildings were sited closer to the park’s cultural facilities.
A social survey conducted by the National University of Singapore documented that the park’s visitors walk or bike from less than a 2-kilometer radius. Many enjoy fishing in the canal in addition to the park’s programmed amenities.
There is a diversity of landscape typologies across the park: 25.6% waterways and wetlands; 14.4% woodlands, 17% tree groves; and 5% meadows/lawns
Many Chinese parks are manicured and monocultural. By comparison, Jiading is untamed in appearance and intentionally complex.
Sasaki 的设计概念——”林中的舞蹈”,是对传统中国绘画、书法和舞蹈的现代阐释。公园突出了嘉定丰富的文化遗产,并将其与基地的自然环境相结合。设计中将自然景观元素,如行云流水这些当地画家陆俨少作品中常见的主题,用现代和动态的形式重新诠释,表现运动的感觉并影响人们与景观互动的方式。公园中四条主要步行道不仅承载了穿越公园和沿公园游览的交通,而且与园内各要素紧密结合,交织变化如水袖飞舞,沿空间与地形蜿蜒起伏。公园内的空间构成展示了形式与功能的双重性——呈现出开阔与郁闭,宽广与私密,活跃与安静,城市与田园,直与曲,高架与下沉等多种变化。
A 3.2 linear kilometer naturalized canal forms the backbone of the park
Along the canal, wetlands improve water quality and support riparian habitats
Pockets of dense green cover, some inaccessible to humans, create refuge for wildlife in the park
60,700 square meters of constructed wetlands were created with a capacity to treat 10,900 cubic meters of stormwater
The park is conveniently connected to the regional public transit network, with the Baiyun Road station of the Shanghai metro linking it to downtown Shanghai in approximately 45 minutes
6,500 square meters of development within the park features restaurants, teahouses, bookstores, art galleries, and other civic program to create a cultural cluster
The park was built in three phases, with adjacent urban development mirroring the construction timeline of the open space
Today, Jiading Park is a beloved open space in this rapidly expanding precinct, driving real estate values, attracting residents, and serving as the symbolic center of the district.