Sasaki 携手洛杉矶港,设计了重构港口滨水联系的公园和改造滨水区。
在 Sasaki,市政工程设计对于项目规划与实施皆至关重要,是实现大胆设计与前瞻性解决方案的必要手段。我们的工程专家擅长解决具有挑战性的生态、环境和法规等技术难题,并与景观设计师、建筑师和规划师并肩协作,以创建宜居的可持续社区为己任。
Boston City Hall Plaza is not only a notable civic space but also a case study for solving complex civil engineering challenges in a dense urban environment.
Moving the needle on sustainability begins with the choices we make in our daily lives. For Sasaki Engineer-in-Training Autumn Faitak, those small choices ripple into waves of change for cities around the world.
At Bonnet Springs Park, ecological challenges inspired Sasaki to use conservation as a main driver of form and function
Allowing nature to inform design while reestablishing the river's connection to its historic floodplain
Here at Sasaki, the word “interdisciplinary” is a part of our everyday vocabulary
Sasaki project team gathers community feedback as they develop a plan for the future of the Fort Point neighborhood