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93 hectares

Sasaki为北卡罗来纳大学格林斯伯勒分校进行的2014年校园更新总体规划是以大学过去三十多年来的规划成果,包括由Sasaki在1995年和2007年完成的两项总体规划为基础而展开的。2007年的总体规划用作指导校园中心的填充式开发,并为建于上世纪二十年代的学生公寓方院提供更新策略,为这个引人注目的开放空间注入新的活力。2014年的规划方案则集中评估校园的发展动向、近期的规划研究、征地现状以及基础设施的连接,务求制定各种考虑全面、协调有序的策略,带领大学发展现有校园并进行扩建。促成这次更新规划项目的原因之一是校园需要扩建到南侧、前身为工商业区的西利街(West Lee Street)街区。Sasaki为此拟定扩建框架,意图创造充满活力的综合用途区,在保留校园中心的特色和个性之余,也能兼顾邻近社区的诉求,并实现格林斯伯勒市政府的规划目标。

规划中的西利街街区将设有学生公寓、零售商店、餐厅以及校园康乐中心,作为学生的主要活动场地,这所康乐中心将能够吸引主校园的学生前往扩建区,为其带来的活力。为贯彻校方让学生在整个求学阶段中获得优质的住宿体验的策略目标,我们建议将本科生的传统校园活动集中布置在现有已建设的校园范围;此外,以斯巴达村(Spartan Village)为中心,沿西利街布置的综合建筑将提供多种独立公寓住宿模式。斯巴达村不但能够在首层创造一系列零售商店和餐厅,形成新兴的城市生活区,也能够优化街道景观,实现市政府的城市设计目标。计划中的斯巴达村也将设有大型超市,为大学生以及南侧的社区提供服务。

项目还规划了一条学生生活通廊将把现有的校园与扩建区连接起来,以便住宿和非住宿的学生都能够体验更优化的校园生活。南北向的通廊把校园北侧的本科生宿舍、图书馆、学生会与学生服务大楼与西利街街区的综合生活设施与康乐中心相连接。由于西利街与现有校园之间被铁路分隔,这条通廊的其中一段是以地下通道的方式设计的。此外,校园北侧的皮博迪公园(Peabody Park)与南侧现有的林地也借由如同景观轴线的通廊而获得联系,无论是步行还是骑自行车,人们可以在这条绿树林荫的步道上轻松前往校园的心脏地带。

Stepping Forward

The recommendations of the 2020 Campus Plan focus on serving a more diverse student population in new and innovative ways. It builds upon the long history of the institution, its resilience, and the guidance provided by previous masterplans. The outcome is a flexible framework for continued improvement taking into consideration long-standing planning principles for the campus, recent and ongoing planning studies, and the strategic plan, Giant Steps. It does so with the goal of guiding incremental change such that a cohesive campus character is maintained in the established core of the campus and extended to emerging districts.

The Campus Plan is made up of a series of interrelated and coordinated frameworks. These frameworks include: 1) physical frameworks (land use and landscape); 2) programmatic frameworks (academic, research, administrative, campus life, athletics and recreation facilities); and 3) functional frameworks (mobility and infrastructure). Collectively, they provide the overarching structure for the academic, campus life and athletics facilities of the campus. The Campus Plan is coordinated with UNCG’s ongoing sustainability initiatives and provides recommendations for the following: 

  1. Grounds – the Plan maintains the natural systems of the campus to protect habitat areas and promote an appreciation of campus assets. It also promotes a working landscape and stronger connectivity between the formal landscapes and the natural features of the campus. 
  2. Water Resources – the Plan protects the branches of Buffalo Creek that run through the Peabody Park area of the campus by encouraging progressive stormwater management strategies and best management practices (bmps).
  3. Energy, Green Buildings and Greenhouse Gas Emissions – the Plan supports the energy management and climate neutrality goals of the University by recommending robust Energy Use Intensity (EUI) targets for each of the capital improvement projects, in addition to the adopted LEED policies. 
  4. Transportation – the circulation network improvements promote walking and greater accessibility for all individuals as well as health and wellness goals.

Integrated Approach

The Campus Plan included an analysis of the planning drivers, data, and other information provided by UNC Greensboro. Data sources are grouped into three categories: 1) the learning environment; 2) the campus experience; and, 3) sustainability. The learning environment category broadly assesses academic, research and potential partnership opportunities. The campus experience category examines the various population groups of the university, taking into consideration the facilities and amenities that contribute to the quality of their educational, research, living and working experiences. The sustainability category takes into consideration the goals and objectives set out by the university relative to the way in which it educates students, manages resources and operates the campus. This approach is informed by a detailed space utilization and needs assessment.

The 2020 Campus Plan provides a flexible framework for the future; it is designed to enable a variety of development outcomes in response to the needs of the University. It provides frameworks for land use, landscape, and mobility with the aim of unifying the established campus with the surrounding context. It integrates long-established sustainability principles and integrates the millennial campus district concepts. It continues previous initiatives to extend the positive qualities and character of the established campus to the West Gate City Boulevard and Tate Street corridors on the periphery of the campus. These corridors are identified as the Health and Wellness and Visual and Performing Arts Millennial Districts, respectively. 

The Plan is guided by nine Design Principles. 

  1. Create a welcoming campus environment that reflects UNC Greensboro’s mission to be diverse, inclusive, collaborative, responsive, and resilient. 
  2. Foster academic excellence, collaborative scholarship, and interdisciplinary connections by providing flexible and adaptive learning environments that integrate technology for diverse pedagogies and research. 
  3. Improve space planning with the strategic distribution of programs to accommodate efficiencies and enhance departmental synergies. 
  4. Envision Millennial Districts as a 21st century opportunity to strengthen strategic partnerships while connecting to and enhancing the Greensboro community and serving as catalysts for transformation in the region.
  5. Enhance student success and support lifelong learning by enriching the campus life experience with unique spaces for mind, body, and spirit. 
  6. Promote integrated, efficient and accessible mobility. 
  7. Celebrate the unique campus landscape and public realm as an environmental resource and social amenity. 
  8. Embrace a holistic approach to sustainable systems that integrates the environment, economics, social equity, and aesthetics. 
  9. Support the University’s mission for service and outreach through the development of strategic collaboration areas.

Millennial Campus Districts 

The UNC System’s strategic plan, Higher Expectations, calls for campuses to identify and highlight their areas of academic distinction by creating Millennial Campus Districts, an initiative designed to facilitate public-private partnerships for new academic opportunities, community services, and economic development projects. The Districts are intended to facilitate university and community interactions in ways that are physically, economically and culturally interwoven with the community. In response, UNC Greensboro has two new campus districts:

  1. Health and Wellness – UNC Greensboro has numerous academic programs focused on health and wellness in the School of Health and Human Sciences, the School of Nursing, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the School of Education. These programs are supported in the Campus Plan in a proposed Health and Wellness Millennial District, a technology hub promoting innovation in health and wellness related research. 
  2. Visual and Performing Arts – UNC Greensboro has the largest College of Visual and Performing Arts in North Carolina, offering programs in Art, Dance, Music, Theater, and Arts Administration and in the Weatherspoon Museum. The Visual and Performing Arts Millennial District is dedicated to supporting these programs.

The Campus Plan takes into consideration the broader planning context including the location of the campus within the City of Greensboro and surrounding neighborhoods. It also responds to local zoning guidance and planning initiatives. In particular, the Campus Plan provides specific recommendations designed to contribute to the West Gate City Boulevard “Smart Corridor” initiative. 

 In keeping with the values of the University, the Campus Plan promotes a sustainable approach to campus development. In doing so, it addresses the equitable, environmental, economic and aesthetic dimensions of sustainability in terms of the analysis conducted and the recommendations provided. 

  • Equity – the Campus Plan supports UNC Greensboro’s mission to be an inclusive learner-centered institution that serves a more diverse student body. It addresses issues of equity by supporting the University’s ongoing strategy for improving accessibility and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) at both the building and site level. 
  • Environmental – the Campus Plan promotes conservation of natural areas such as Peabody Park and the protection of the Buffalo Creek branches that flow through the Park. It also supports emissions reduction targets by focusing on transportation demand management and promoting online and hybrid learning. 
  • Economic – The Campus Plan supports the energy and emissions reduction goals set by the State and UNC System by promoting energy efficiency and the utilization of renewable sources of energy. It also supports UNC Greensboro’s goal of providing affordable education to its diverse student body. 
  • Aesthetics – the Campus Plan promotes place making both indoors and outdoors, to ensure a healthy and welcoming environment conducive to learning and working.

想了解更多项目细节,请联系 Greg Havens.

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