Del Istmo大学总体规划
危地马拉 弗赖哈内斯
The public realm framework is structured around a Paseo, or campus spine, that connects the primary civic spaces of the University. The Paseo contracts and expands as it navigates the site, creating moments of surprise as it ties the academic heart of the campus with its student life and recreation areas. The Master Plan frames the spine with active, civic and shared programs, such as the student hub/library, general classroom spaces, and dining facilities. The plan deliberately distributes the student life facilities, creating nodes of activity throughout the campus. Buildings and landscape work together to take advantage of the Mexico City climate and provide a rich indoor/outdoor experience. The Paseo will become a lively pedestrian environment that provides for serendipitous encounters among the University community. The Bosque Corridor, the extension of the southern ravine, engages with the Paseo at the critical intersection with the main campus plaza. The corridor will provide a shaded environment, covered by the canopy of trees that connect the University to its natural landscape.
The design team worked closely with the UP leadership and faculty to establish the best adjacency of disciplines and departments. A collaboration survey was shared with faculty members to better understand patterns of cross-disciplinary work and where such relationships could be leveraged. Academic buildings in the new campus are structured in clusters, grouping disciplines with strong collaboration potential. The result underpins a holistic learning environment that promotes bridges between the sciences and the arts, brings humanities to the fore of intellectual growth, and reaches out to the Bosque Real community with cultural programs that blur the boundaries of the campus with its immediate context.
想了解更多项目细节,请联系 Pablo Savid-Buteler.