Incubator Hosts beyondAEC Hackathon
The 24-hour event focuses on developing new approaches that propel the AEC industry beyond current, less-intuitive or time-consuming workflows.
Sasaki 与Sasaki基金会打造的“Incubator at Sasaki” (Sasaki创意孵化器) 隆重开幕。位于Sasaki麻州总部的Incubator将成为连接学术研究和专业实践的平台,鼓励公司内外的研究人员在此进行创意交流,就设计建成环境时所面对的种种复杂问题,例如提升环境抗灾力、增强移动性与创造公平社会等寻求解决方案。
Incubator at Sasaki为各家合作的研究和创新单位以及Sasaki庞大的设计资源之间创造联系桥梁,逾460平方米的场地集研究工作室和共享工作空间于一体,用途灵活多样。Incubator的位址昔日曾是旧纺织厂用地(Chase Mills),象征Sasaki承袭其持续创造的精神及对跨界设计和研究工作投入更多开放资源的决心。
想了解更多项目细节,请联系 Mary Anne Ocampo.
The 24-hour event focuses on developing new approaches that propel the AEC industry beyond current, less-intuitive or time-consuming workflows.
Using incubator models to transform businesses, impact communities and attract young creative thinkers.
Bridging academic research and professional practice, the Incubator will serve as a creative hub for internal and external researchers who are solving complex problems of resiliency, mobility, and social equity in the design of the built environment.