The carousel pavilion is a component of a larger landscape and infrastructure project (highlighted on the below site plan). The pavilion and plaza are built on an elevated deck that negotiates the level change between streets towards the riverfront edge. The site is framed by great city landmarks including the Roebling Bridge, the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, the Paul Brown Stadium, and the Great American Ball Park. With the final phases of implementation currently underway, the riverfront park completes a necklace of open spaces on the river, links statewide recreation trail and bike systems, and reconnects the heart of downtown Cincinnati to the Ohio River.
外形简约的展示馆是一个大型密封结构,为访客提供四季皆宜的休闲空间,旋转木马的开放也不受天气影响。建筑物的外立面采用全透明玻璃,一来用以突显旋转木马的存在,而且清晰区分地平面和展示空间。外形瞩目的屋顶仿佛在木马上空“盘旋”,设计里外一致的拱腹又在并在北侧的街道和南侧的游廊之间建立视觉连接。阳光穿过展示馆的天窗洒落在旋转木马的顶部,进而照亮整个室内空间。 展示馆的下层作为广场较大面积的底座的一部分,其底端的花岗岩与石灰石和砂岩另外两种材料流露着硬朗结实的观感,此层容纳一系列可出租的活动空间、公园管理人员办公室以及公用服务基建,确保公园和广场能够畅顺运营。 展示馆和活动空间所带来的收入将用以支持公园长远的经济需求。
想了解更多项目细节,请联系 Pablo Savid-Buteler.