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Sasaki 将设计美国圣安东尼奥新植物园

Sasaki 凭借跨学科设计专长以及丰富的公园景观经验,从23间候选公司中脱颖而出,获选主导位于美国德州南部的圣安东尼奥植物园规划。该植物园是圣安东尼奥市的突破性项目,将为该市东南区带来一座“树木圣堂”,满足当地对绿地空间的迫切需要。Sasaki 将与多个当地公司密切合作,将圣安东尼奥植物园打造成能够保护乡土与适应性树木,具备教育、娱乐、休闲功能的动态枢纽,丰富市民的生活以及游客体验。

”圣安东尼奥植物园将重建当地居民与南德州的景观传承的关系,Sasaki 很荣幸能参与其中。“  Sasaki 董事兼资深景观建筑师 Anna Cawrse 女士表示,”我们将致力创造一个在强化自然环境的同时也提升社区认同和归属感的地方。圣安东尼奥植物园将提供学习、休闲和探索的空间,吸引不同年龄层和背景的人们前来。“

占地76公顷的新植物园将成为该州最大的公共绿地之一,包含多元化景观并融合德克萨斯州的三个独特生态区域。Sasaki 的设计方法以可持续性、生态韧性、包容性为设计原则,提供植物园步道、教育设施、木本植物栽培与城市苗圃等一系列的设施与项目。

“我们目前仍在建设的早期阶段,很荣幸能由 Sasaki 担任总体规划的领导者,一同打造这颗代表圣安东尼奥和德克萨斯州南部的绿色宝石。”圣安东尼奥植物园的首席执行官 Tom Corser 先生进一步说明了规划宗旨,“教育将成为规划中的重要元素之一,植物园将成为公众的生活博物馆,孩子们的大自然教室;如何协助科学研究也将是我们的重要使命。“

About Sasaki:

Sasaki has been a leader in the design industry for 70 years. The firm is known for blending disciplines, engaging with clients and communities, drawing on history and context, and using data and emerging technologies to shape the built environment. With offices in Boston, Denver, New York, Los Angeles, and Shanghai, Sasaki’s 350 professionals partner with education, civic, and commercial clients around the world. Sasaki’s integrated services span architecture, interior design, planning and urban design, space planning, landscape architecture, and civil engineering.

About Arboretum San Antonio:

Arboretum San Antonio will be the first arboretum in San Antonio and South Texas and Texas’ second-largest arboretum, boasting 188 acres of green space with heritage trees, Salado Creek, four-plus miles of existing paved trails, and a recycled water pond. The southeast San Antonio location, formerly Republic Golf Course, was purchased in the fall of 2023. A 12-month master planning process is underway to engage the community with input and visioning to create the foundational plan for the future.


For media inquiries, please contact:

Eric Baldwin
Director of Communications, Sasaki
[email protected]

Kate Edwards
Vice President of Communications and Marketing, Cielo Strategy Group
[email protected]

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