Campus Landscapes and the Student Experience
Some of the most influential and cherished settings on American college campuses are the outdoor spaces that stitch buildings together. How do successful landscapes come to be?
2013年夏,凯斯西储大学(CWRU)、克利夫兰艺术博物馆(CMA)暨克利夫兰基金会(TCF)共同举办设计竞赛,以凯斯西储主校区与新兴西校区之间的区域为题,范围涵盖部分韦德公园、克利夫兰艺术博物馆与其美术花园。 Sasaki以原名为“大道连通”的设计概念于竞赛夺魁,并获三机构委聘以期进一步完善设计概念。
Measuring 300-by-2,200 feet, the greenway extends west from CWRU’s core campus at East Boulevard, across the front yard of the museum and Rockefeller Park to the university’s Maltz Performing Arts Center at Temple-Tifereth Israel, located a half mile to the west at East 105th Street and Ansel Road. New open green spaces serve as a connector, but can also enjoyed as venues for recreation and repose.
凯斯西储大学与克利夫兰艺术博物馆内部与周边各项投资项目,均代表此时是替此联通地段进行完整规划的好时机。克利夫兰艺术博物馆于2013年12月完成重大扩建和翻新,而凯斯西储大学之Tinkham Veale大学中心建设则于2014年8月竣工,其马尔茨表演艺术中心一期建设亦于2015年9月完成。凯斯西储大学西校区的未来投资项目还包括该校与克利夫兰诊所的联合健康教育校园,计划2019年秋季开放。
诺德家族绿色步道是凯斯西储大学2015年总体规划愿景的重要环节,也响应了当地包括克利夫兰市、俄亥俄州东北部下水道区、克利夫兰大学圈和Holden Parks信托等利益相关者的目标,旨在成为座落于大学圈核心的世界级公民空间,紧密联系历史悠久的霍夫区与城西,并希冀对社会、经济和环境带来重大积极影响。
Traversing the 50 feet of elevation change across the site is accomplished by elegant, precast concrete stairs and graceful sloping walkways
Traversing the 50 feet of elevation change across the site is accomplished by elegant, precast concrete stairs and graceful sloping walkways
Sasaki won the project competition by showing that a simple rectangle of new landscape could unite its campus, the art museum, and the temple in a new spatial composition that invites surrounding communities to access the cultural heart of Cleveland.
想了解更多项目细节,请联系 Andrew Gutterman.