Strategic Development Frameworks for Five Cities in Afghanistan
Herat, Jalalabad, Kandahar, Khost, and Mazar, Afghanistan
Alykhan is an urban planner who firmly believes that small changes, conversations and projects can make big statements and pave the way for innovation on a larger scale. His ability to develop innovative solutions is underpinned by an understanding of the economic, political and social processes that drive different urban contexts.
Prior to working at Sasaki, Alykhan worked as a sustainability and urban planning consultant at the World Bank in Washington, DC. He also brings experience living and working in South Asia as a project manager and urban planner at the Hunnarshaala Foundation in Gujarat, India and at Kota Kita in Java, Indonesia. He has also worked as an urban planner at Asakura Robinson in Austin, TX, where he played a key role in several transformational projects in Austin, Houston, and New Orleans that redefine the way that these cities plan for mobility at a metropolitan and regional scale.
He holds a master in urban planning from Harvard University and a bachelor of arts in architectural studies from Tufts University.
Herat, Jalalabad, Kandahar, Khost, and Mazar, Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan
Austin, TX
Houston, TX
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Fully Autonomous Vehicles Are in the Distance, But Now is the Time to Prepare
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