Sasaki Designers Publish Book on Landscape and Environmental Issues
A group of Sasaki landscape architects and urban planners co-edited and contributed essays to a new book “From the South: Global Perspectives on Landscape and Territory”
Several Sasaki projects were featured in the most recent edition of Site Planning: International Practice, an acclaimed reference book for planning and design. Written by Gary Hack and originally published in 1984 with Kevin Lynch, the text has been regarded by many leading professionals and academics as a seminal work in the field. Eran Ben-Joseph, professor and head of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, regards the text as “the definitive publication on the subject.”
In the preface of this updated version, Hack recognized Sasaki’s large influence on the book, and offered thanks for the expertise of Sasaki’s Dennis Pieprz, Honorary ASLA, principal, urban designer and chair of design; Mary Anne Ocampo, principal and urban designer; and Fred Merrill, FAICP, LEED® AP, principal and urban planner.
The master plan for Ananas New Community, a district in Silang, Philippines, is the focus of the book’s chapter on site proposals. The master plan, which celebrates the region’s rich agricultural history, serves as a case study on the key inputs to a successful site proposal; the case highlights the team’s comprehensive analyses; infrastructure considerations; programming recommendations; and presentations to the client. The section showcases Sasaki approaches to planning process, goal-setting, and creation of renderings and key diagrams [pictured below] of each phase of the plan’s development.
Other featured projects in the text include Sasaki’s master plans for Purdue University, West Java New University, and University of Illinois.
The author, Gary Hack, is professor emeritus of Urban Design at MIT and former Dean of the School of Design at the University of Pennsylvania. This spring, Hack and Ocampo were awarded a major grant from MITx, the MIT online learning program, to develop an online course for Site Planning. During the 2018-2019 academic year, Hack and Ocampo will co-create a massive open online course (MOOC) at MIT, and will invite Pieprz to guest-lecture.