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Miner on the Future of Higher Education

This year, ENR’s Top 500 list of design, engineering, and construction firms was accompanied by an article that asks “Will COVID-19 Change Design”? In the article, Sasaki CEO James Miner, AICP comments on the future of higher education.

Speaking on whether there will be a long-term paradigm shift in the design industry, Miner comments on the future of education:

However, even more profound may be the current use of remote learning brought on by COVID-19. “Colleges and universities are already massively impacted, and it will be interesting to see if this experience with remote learning moves more people into online learning worldwide over the long-term,” says James Miner, CEO of Sasaki. If students don’t return to campuses in the same way post-pandemic, there will be a huge financial impact to campuses. “So anyone who operates in higher education will need to think differently about their delivery model, and we expect institutions will be looking for new ways to adjust their campuses to meet new realities over the next several years,” he says.

Read the full article here.

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