We are honored to share that Dou Zhang, co-director of Sasaki’s Shanghai office, was appointed to the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Sustainable Sites Technical Advisory Committee 2018 and named American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) International Practice PPN Co-Chair.
ASLA International Practice PPN Co-Chair
A primary goal for Zhang in her two-year term is to help establish a Shanghai chapter of ASLA—engaging international practitioners in China in sharing professional experiences, exchanging information, networking, and promoting the profession in China. As a founder of the Shanghai Landscape Forum, Zhang’s been working with Shanghai Landscape Forum committee members in preparing the third forum this spring and continues to promote forum activities within ASLA, where she’s in high hopes of starting a new chapter.
USGBC Sustainable Sites Technical Advisory Committee 2018
As a committee member, Zhang serves within the LEED Technical Advisory Groups (TAG) to shape the evolution of the SITES rating system—in both its maintenance and adaptions, as well as the development of its next iteration—especially as it relates to China projects. Zhang is passionate about promoting sustainable landscape practice in China and USGBC’s TAG Committees are leading the way on setting new standards for the profession.
About LEED Technical Advisory Groups
LEED committees help develop, implement, and revise the LEED rating systems, ensuring they remain rigorous and market-relevant. The LEED Committee structure includes the LEED Steering Committee (LSC) and Regional LEED Steering Committees; three subcommittees of the LSC; six Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) organized around credit category expertise; and six Regional LEED Steering Committees.
Under the direct management of the LEED Technical Committee, TAGs recommend technical solutions to rating system development and maintenance issues. The groups are a source of technical advice to LEED committees and working groups regarding credit and prerequisite improvements. They also support tool development. TAGs are structured to include expertise for specific technical issues, including location and planning; sustainable sites; water efficiency; energy and atmosphere; materials and resources; and indoor environmental quality.
For more information on the role and responsibilities of the Technical Advisory Groups read their purpose statement.
To learn more, visit USGBC and ASLA for further details.