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芬兰的自然景观在过去数百年来都是该国艺术和文化作品的灵感泉源,地位格外重要;不但如此,那里的自然景观也具有实用价值,因为林业和木制品工业一只以来对芬兰的经济都有着重大贡献。美国驻芬兰大使馆选址芬兰湾旁,占据赫尔辛基其中一个最优越的位置。因应如此特别的基地条件和瞩目的场地,Sasaki所制定的景观设计方案表达了对土地的深切欣赏和尊重。要在地块上融入新功能内容,最重要的一环是回应地形条件:基地位于一片山坡上,贯通基地的行人步道因而变得起伏有致,行人可在沿途各个抬升平台上欣赏到令人喜出望外的壮丽海景;新旧花园空间与现有的主办公楼、新建的新翼楼和翻新后的副楼 环环相扣;基地现场的停车区有隐藏式的设计,无损基地俯瞰芬兰湾景色的优势。





The limited size of the site required slopes on drives and walks to push to the limits of standards normally used in northern climates. The design team’s response creates two distinct zones with different character and orientations.

To the west, a new Arrival Plaza is oriented on an east-west axis extending to a terrace beyond with views to the Gulf. The uninterrupted pattern of granite paving extending through the building lobby reinforces this prominent alignment and emphasizes a relationship between inside and outside. Granite materials, which characterize the design of many urban spaces in Helsinki, were selected to match materials used on the new facility to strengthen the bond between architecture and landscape.

Very favorable solar orientation along the west side of the site allows even the low midday and afternoon sun to reach the site in spring and fall. A dense Silver Birch grove frames views to the new building. Masses of early-spring flowering bulbs provide a colorful expression of spring just after the snow melts from the turf. In summer, lush native ferns and flowering groundcovers blanket the Silver Birch groves. A meandering path with places to sit leads from the existing Chancery along the western perimeter through the Silver Birch grove to the new COA and renovated Annex. A second path from the existing Chancery descends steeply near the northwest corner of the new COA, where a cluster of Siberian Larch trees anchor and colonize the embankment, and follows the new COA façade to terminate at the Arrival Plaza and Lobby.

The eastern zone has limited morning sun in spring and fall and is affected by prevailing winds blowing from the Gulf. This area was best suited to more private uses and outdoor events in summer when the garden spaces and stone amphitheater seating overlooking the water are comfortably usable. Lawn and masses of colorful bulbs enhance views into the site, and ss the site ascends, small, native Finnish flowering trees are introduced among diverse shrubs and groundcovers. The driveway winds uphill to the north end of the new building, and as a consequence of required grading, becomes elevated from the surrounding landscape. An informal grove of Silver Birch trees is utilized to integrate this slope and create two distinctive garden spaces: the existing garden space east of the Chancery and the new amphitheater, overlook and terrace at the new COA. The overlook and amphitheater use the Silver Birch grove as a backdrop and are oriented for views under a large solitary English Oak over masses of flowering shrubs and groundcovers to the Gulf of Finland. This area of the site has also been designed for views from above from the existing Chancery, new COA and renovated Annex buildings.

想了解更多项目细节,请联系 Alan WardSteve Walz.

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