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An intimate urban park offering tranquility and repose for New Yorkers since 1971


Matthew Arielly, Felice Frankel
Boston Society of Landscape Architects, Third Professional Awards Program, Merit Award
American Association of Nurserymen, 20th Landscape Awards Program, Landscape Award

格林埃克公园是一个“口袋公园”—— 这种形式的城市公共空间诞生于上世纪七十年代,是纽约市中心高昂地价与密集土地使用模式等因素影响下的产物,同时也便于公园执行夜间保安工作。Sasaki为格林埃克公园提供建筑和景观设计方案,长约36米、宽约18米的公园别具特色,其设计亮点在于把绿景与水景融合到座位区,做成分层布置、绿意盎然的公园座席。





A water sculpture outside the park serves as an invitation to enter. A trellis articulates the entry to the park and leads to the central sitting area, which is slightly elevated above the sidewalk. The main sitting area accommodates informal groupings of tables and chairs. Ample seating walls and broad steps provide additional places to sit during peak times such as lunch hour and a small snack bar serves food and coffee throughout the day.

Honey locust trees allow sunlight to penetrate into the area and, at the same time, create a protective canopy to screen out adjacent buildings. The entire length of one wall is a relief sculpture. Water trickles over its surface into a runnel which leads, in turn, to a main fountain at the end of the park. Water cascades over the granite face, producing a strong visual focus as well as a sound-screen against traffic noise outside.

The lower-level sitting area at the base of the water display provides visitors a more immediate sense of contact with the water. Along the adjacent wall, a raised terrace allows an overview of the whole park and an elevated view of the water display. This terrace is roofed with a trellis and acrylic domes, and is equipped with lighting and radiant heating for evening and cold weather use.


The landscape materials provide a soft contrast to the granite, brick, and steel. Evergreens—rhododendron, azalea, Japanese holly, and andromeda— are planted amid a pachysandra ground cover. A star magnolia, azaleas, and rhododendron provide early spring blossoms. Seasonal flowers fill urns which are placed informally about the park, and Boston ivy on the brick walls turns a brilliant red color in early fall.

想了解更多项目细节,请联系 Philip Dugdale.

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