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Sasaki Celebrates Moon Festival 2019

On the cusp of a full moon last Friday, September 13, employees at Sasaki put superstition aside to celebrate the widely-observed holiday—Moon Festival! The Festival of the Moon, also known as Mid-Autumn Festival, is a holiday celebrated all over the continent of Asia and is a time for gathering with family and friends, exchanging gifts, giving thanks for the year’s harvest, crafting paper lanterns, and imbibing moon cakes and tea.

While countries in Asia all celebrate Moon Festival in similar ways, there are slight variations in rituals and festivities from region to region. The Watertown office was introduced to the various countries and cultures that partake in the holiday, illustrated through presentations by Sasakians hailing from all over Asia. Sweet and savory moon cakes were offered as a snack, samples of hot tea were also prepared, and the afternoon concluded with a traditional musical performance and origami lantern making.

Sasaki is a place that embraces and celebrates unique individuals and cultures. Our Moon Festival celebration is just one of many cultural High Holidays hosted at the office—a fun and informative way to engage the whole Sasaki community in the diverse cultures that make our firm such a special place.

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